Sunday, February 2, 2014

A stroll on the lake...

Hello to my fellow gardeners! Yesterday was such a warm day (33degrees) that I could not help but drive out to my favorite lake and try to capture the beauty with my camera.

As it was, the water was still very frozen, hence the title of this post. So my husband and I went for a walk on and around the lake trying to spot some deer and some birds too. The snow was deep at times so that our stroll was not effortless.

Nevertheless, I managed to steal a few more treasures to add to my photo gallery. Here are a few.
 I do not know any of these plants by name. They are just wild trees and bushes so of course no name labeling happening on this post, only appreciation for what nature has to offer us...

                                                    Lead the way Friend!

I am stepping in his foot steps. It doesn't look like much here but we were in knee high...
First sign of interesting vegetation...cute!
Hey a little bit of color in this black and white day...
These made my day. I love anything that hangs like a little bell, plus water drops are always pretty on picture...
So adorable...
Oh wow! How about that for color? I just love lime green.
And this pale version of verdigris, just gorgeous...
Me in my very "cool" pants. Believe it or not, I wasn't able to take another step. I sank in and went down right after this picture was taken. Yep yep, no kidding...
So I figured while I was "down" I might as well shoot this little cutie...
Right about then, I had to figure out a way to get unstuck without getting my camera wet...and I did. That was a close one...
Well it's time to start heading back across the lake. What's this I see? Some red twigs? Wow I just love finding colors this bright in the middle of winter...
On my way back to the truck and yes I couldn't resist it when I saw this growth. I enjoyed the textures and tones so much that I had to share them with you...
Again, wow!!!
One last look back at the lake before we leave. A little channel between the two lakes was not frozen...
And voila! our visit to the lake is over. Boo no want to go home yet I just love being outdoors...
Driving out of the state game area. We did not see a single bird...or deer for that matter. Poor things, they are hiding! But wait... what is this?
Oh my goodness! Check this out! There they are the little criminals, hiding in the woods and down the hill !
Good thing Ron saw them. I never could have for the simple reason that I had my nose in my David Austin Rose Catalogue dreaming of ordering more. What else is there to do beside dream about flowers in the winter?
We drove some more and saw this huge one crossing the road so we stopped the truck, lowered the window and took this shot. He was huge I tell you, huge...and peering at us intensely...
Mission accomplished. We saw beautiful sights, gorgeous colors and even a few deer. What a wonderful day this was...Now it's time to go home and prepare dinner because we are both starving!


  1. Bonjour Karine,
    Ton premier blog est déjà superbe, j'espère que tu auras assez de temps à y consacrer, car tes photos sont superbes. J'ai l'impression de voyager derrière mon ordinateur en voyant ces grandes étendues de neige. J'ai hâte d'être au printemps pour pouvoir profiter de cette belle nature qui t'entoure.
    Je me suis abonnée afin de ne rien rater de ton actualité .
    Reçois mes sincères félicitations, BRAVO ����������

  2. Merci bien Crystal!
    Je ferai de mon mieux pour faire plaisir a tes yeux. Merci pour tes commentaires et ton encouragement. Tu es la plus gentille des "bloggeuses"!
