Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A few brand new perennials that I will be growing from seeds this year!!!

          Ready?  Here we go!!!
                                              I present to you...the magnificent...

Dalmatian Peach hybrid Foxglove
Digitalis purpurea
If these seeds deliver the way they are programmed to, then this plant will surely take center stage in my 'favorite flowers' list. Oh my goodness. The gorgeousness and delicateness of this color!!! 
 I cannot wait to see the results. Of course I will keep you updated on its performance throughout the growing season. Promise!
Polkadot 'Polly' hybrid Foxglove
Digitalis interspecific hybrids
This color, at least in my gardens, is very unusual. I don't have any other flowers in this color, so it will be interesting to see where I will be able to place it. Who knows? This could be the 'flower' of the year!
Polkadot 'Princess' hybrid Foxglove
Digitalis interspecific hybrids
This beauty should add a little heat and interest to the 'cottage' style garden I am striving to achieve.
 I hope.
The Polkadot series is designed to produce blooms the first year of its life. We shall see if it is true in my gardens......I hope I hope I hope, ha ha!
And finally...
Pantaloons (aka Pam's split) Foxglove
Digitalis purpurea 'Pam's Split'
Every garden needs a touch of crazy so to speak. This is it! It hypnotizes me each time I look at it.
This should bring to my gardens a touch of 'unexpectedness'.
These are the Foxgloves already growing in my gardens. Hopefully they will be willing to welcome their new "friends".
Camelot Cream foxglove
Digitalis purpurea
Dalmatian Purple
Digitalis purpurea


  1. Hi, I just came across your blog! You have chosen some wonderful varieties of foxgloves and I admire that you grow them from seeds yourself. My favorite is 'Pam's Split', what a contrast between the burgundy throat and the white outer part of the flowers. I love floxgloves too, but unfortunately they don't like my hot climate in San Diego, Southern California. Nurseries offer them pre-grown and for a hefty price in pots here and I might be at a point of craving to buy some this year, even though they will just flower in a mediocre way and for a very brief time ;-)! Wishing you a nice Sunday! Warm regards,

    1. Hello Christina!
      I know what you mean about the foxgloves. They are not a sure fire thing in my gardens either. Although I hear that in some people's gardens they grow and reseed like weeds! That's crazy! Not here for sure. But I do love them so they are worth the work to me.
      By the way, thank you for your comment. This is a brand new blog. I haven't even finished building it yet, so you are truly my very FIRST "visitor". I will be visiting your blog in great detail soon. Again thank you for checking me out!
